Feature: Credits
You can now document your role, co-hosts’ role, guests, producers, etc. While we realize that you and your co-host make up the entire team for many podcasters, you may have listeners helping with social and or even an entire team. You can now give credit where credit is due and, at show level, document your team and guests on your show.
Feature: Medium
This feature tells an application what the content contained within the feed IS, as opposed to what the content is ABOUT in the case of a category. This allows a podcast app to modify its behavior or UI to give a better experience to the user for this content. Includes Podcast, Music, Video, Film, Audiobook, Newsletter, and Blog. To see the complete write-up of each definition, visit this page.
Located in the Podcasting 2.0 Section
Feature: Live
Are you doing a live show in conjunction with your on-demand podcast? Modern Podcast 2.0 apps allow listeners to tune in live on the same podcast app/site where they consume your on-demand podcast.
The slang Podcasting 2.0 folks are using is going LIT. Aka, you are live. The following three screens are live states you must manually set when you change state. This is because we signal the services to let them know you are Pending, Live, and Ended.
Please note if you schedule to go live at 3 p.m. and it ends up being 3:15, there is no issue. The Live signal will let them know you have started and allow the Podcast App to display your show as live so listeners get the notification of you being live and can watch within the Application.
You can schedule your live session as far in advance as you want. It’s a good idea to try and schedule 10-15 minutes minimum before you go live. There are info bubbles next to each section be sure to reach out to support if you have challenges.

It’s critical that as you are going live, you update the settings to Live and then save settings. This allows us to signal to the appropriate platforms that you have gone live. If you do not set this to live and save, you will not appear live on the Podcasting 2.0 apps that support being LIT.
When your live show has ended, return and change your status to ended — this allows the podcasting apps to revert to on-demand mode. If you do not end your show, the end date/time you set will be honored by some apps, but it is essential to mark yourself as ended and save settings.

Feature: Value4Value
This is one of the most exciting new features yet and, as far as we are concerned, the most significant opportunity for podcasters to earn additional revenue for the show. We have placed this feature in an experimental zone. We have also partnered with Alby to make it easier for you to get started.
This is a complex feature, with an entire website dedicated to educating you on what the Value4Value model is. We will be rolling out the entire Value4Value interface in the coming days, but we were hoping you could spend some time learning about Value4Value @ https://value4value.info/.
We have partnered with GetAlby to allow podcasters to get set up to participate in the Value4Value model quickly. Simply Click Connect to get Alby and set up an account (free), and the corresponding data will auto-populate on that page.
You can also cut and paste information from other Wallet providers that support the lightning network. Consult with those companies on what populates in each of the fields.
We also support splits by adding a co-host account or supporter. This can also be done at the episode level, which overrides the show-level settings for a single episode.
Fully Populated V4V
This is what a fully populated V4V setup looks like.
The text tag allows you to enter a code or number provided by a third party that can be used for many reasons. The most common is proof of ownership of the feed.
The funding tag is a way to document where people can donate regular funds, such as Paypal, Patreon, CashApp, etc. that can be configured here. This will allow apps that support it to display a Donation link that listeners can then easily click to donate within the podcast app.
Feature: GUID
This feature is automatically set a GUID is a unique ID for your show that can and should transfer with you if you move your show. It’s the lifetime identifier for your show.
Feature: PodPing
Podping signals the Podcast Index to let them know you have published a new episode or announced your intention to go Live with the specific status codes of your Pending, Live, and Ended notifications. All of this happens automatically without any additional settings.
Podcasting 2.0 features will continue growing and be widely supported on various New Podcast Apps. Blubrry is committed to moving the podcasting space forward with the exciting features described above.
Feature: OP3
OP3 is an open-source stats platform that is not IAB-certified compliant but does provide an alternate view of your podcast statistics. By using OP3 your stats will be publicly available for anyone to analyze and or review.